Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thoughts on Being a Father

At 35, single with no children, I consider myself a Father. A Father in the sense that I have a responsibility toward others and take happiness in other's successes. I plan on having my own children someday and hope to be a good Father in the traditional sense of the word, but for now, I’m happy being a Father in another sense. Most of this was first said by others, prophets, and is now become mine because I've been inspired of the truthfulness of these principles. I'm sharing this publicly, because when I share my plans with others, I am more likely to hold myself accountable and follow through. 

                                                                      My Father

First Duty is to Keep my Life in Order

Fatherhood is responsibility, it means setting an example and living a life of love and service. It means keeping my life in order and fulfilling my duty. First to God, and then to other people. To continually be the best person that I can and improve on my weaknesses and use my talents to bless others. To be a good Father, one must first be a good son. To honor my Father and Mother, both Heavenly and earthly, and make them proud by my actions. I need to be good and true and kind. To seek after and become the best that I can by being faithful to my covenants with God, be a disciple of Christ, read scriptures, pray, look heavenward for God’s help and guidance. To keep my feet firmly planted on the ground and diligently exercise and work. To come to the marriage altar clean, pure, and virtuous. To not have an angry temper, but act in peace and composure. To flee pornography and keep arousal purposeful. To allow for others agency and live a life of staying true to principles. To put away vanity – ego and self. To encourage others to fulfill their duty to God and others. To one day choose a wife well – a woman that comes nearest to my personal pinnacle of perfection that I may be proud of her in every respect. To prepare myself in my relationships with others that when I do have a wife and children, that I may treat them with the respect and love a Father should. To love and service all my brothers and sisters, everyone in this world, because aren't we all fellow sojourners?

                                               One of my favorite couples, the Van Dam's

Father and a Husband
Relationships are the fabric of life. The most important interpersonal relationship in this life will be with my wife, my beloved helpmeet, companion, and equal. As a Husband, my duty is to love my wife with all my heart and with love unbounded as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, trust her, walk beside her, be her best friend and companion, encourage her in church activity and community activities, and honor her in her performance of the most divine, highest, holiest, and noble work that mortals may perform as a Mother. Be loyal with perfect moral fidelity in thought and word and in deed with no outside flirtations, and cleave to her and none else. To put my wife’s interests above my own in the struggles of life – even if it consumes all of my energy and strength and then my love for her will increase. To show respect, and express love through word and action, express gratitude, show compassionate concern, and praise her, especially for her forbearance with my weaknesses and loving me for what I may become. Always speak to my wife lovingly and kindly and with wholesome words. Seek to take direction and cooperate with her wishes, hopes, and hints. Revere and cherish her counsel, love, faithful prayers, and ministry. Have my words and actions inspire confidence and trust. Make time spent together uplifting. Pray and strive for unity and to become one.

Reverence motherhood and accept wife as my partner with full knowledge and participation in decisions and do not act independent of or without regard to the feelings and counsel of wife. Express regularly to wife and children my reverence and respect for wife. Make wife’s feelings and self-esteem a high priority. Help wife to manage and keep up the home and nurture the children. No physically domineering, unworthy, indecent, uncontrolled, selfish behavior. Do not abuse or demean wife or children. Use tenderness and respect and be considerate, kind, and sensitive to wife’s needs and desires. Have full and complete understanding on financial matters. Do Not: dictate or demand, tease, use mean or angry words, be harsh or unkind, disrespect, neglect, force or compel, criticize, fault find, use sullen behavior, act arrogant, or lose temper, be selfish, or greedy. When my limitations and inadequacy arise, repent and do my best and trust and rely on God to fill the gap. Thank God for my wife.

Work out differences with love and respect and kindness and mutual reconciliation. Do not assert my will above hers. Employ open communication and work through things. Do not even allow a potential misperception of force. Make an effort to please and exercise an overwhelming desire to make my wife comfortable and happy. Be considerate and sensitive to her needs and desires. Look for the virtues in her and not the vices.

                                                       My brother and his lovely family

Father of Children

Love and take good care of them. Seek and find the Lord’s help and guidance. Love the way God loves, comfort the way He comforts, protect the way He protects. Create a loving atmosphere to teach children correct principles. Teach children the value of working toward worthy goals like serving a mission, attaining an education, and eternal marriage. Allow for their agency and give them room to grow. Enlist the entire family to love each other. Take responsibility for my mistakes and set an example with church involvement and service. Bear personal testimony even when I feel it isn’t sinking in presently because they may remember it later. Know God and deliver his commandments to my children and household. Pray for unity and to become one. Be an example and help them form their view of Heavenly Father by acting like He acted toward Christ. Give my time and be physically, emotionally, and spiritually present in their lives. Give kind comments, show warm personal gestures, take an active interest in what is happening in children’s lives, offer to give a blessing, or write  caring notes signed – Love Dad, let them know, feel, and understand that they are loved, or just spend time together. When my limitations and inadequacy arise, repent and do my best and trust and rely on God to fill the gap. Thank God for my children. Do all I can for the happiness and spiritual safety of the children I am to nurture. Forge a tight knit bond with them. Embrace my children and stand with them forever.

                                                              Nana and the Gould boys

Other Fatherly Duties

Preside, bless, and teach. Be loving and spiritual, direct, correct, and nurture using love and patience, meekness, tenderness, respect, and righteousness. Edify, uplift, comfort, exalt; honor priesthood and give blessings of healing, comfort, and direction and perform ordinances. Provide for monetary needs to support family and be properly educated to be able to do that. Work and toil and strive. Be modest in my financial wants. Provide for the temporal (physical, mental, social) and spiritual well being, be happy about my career. Protect children by giving them my time and presence in their social, educational, and spiritual activities and responsibilities. Love their mother. Tenderly and affectionately tell and show children I love them. Make home a place of happiness and joy. Serve and lead by example like the good shepherd. Be a friend. Spend time together as a family. E.g. church meetings, family vacations, traditions, outings, etcetera. And spend one on one time with each family member. Have a continued eternal courtship with my wife and together regularly attend the temple. Go on daddy-daughter dates and father-son outings. Have a refined home and allow children to see my joy in service in and out of church. Set in order my family by leading out in church participation. Live together in love and peace and harmony.

                                                                   My niece, Bella and I


I can practice many of these attributes in my relations with my family, girlfriends, dates, friends, and even with strangers to an extent. I will try my best to live up to this high standard and repent and try harder whenever I fall short; admit when I’m wrong, and change for the better. Many Fatherly actions can be performed in society outside of a traditional nuclear family since we are one big human family with Heavenly Parents. Although it will be wonderful to have a forever family and the family is ordained of God, I don’t have to wait to become a Father. I can be one right now through my service and love in relationships with everyone I meet.

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